30 October 2011

♥ Sayang , InsyaAllah selamanya . . ♥

  ~ i just miss the 'old' him. he changed ? but he keep said ' nothing gonna change. my love for u or me. ' i love him. yes i do. he make me stand when im started to fall . he took my hand and hug me when im started to hurt . Cinta itu Anugerah sang maha Rahim. moga apa yg trjadi mgajar kta mnjdi dewsa dalam mnjalani hbgan ini. hbgan dr psangan kekasih , kta mlangkah ke alam pertunangan . yes its true . .alam pertunangan byk dugaan .  Insyaallah . . semua dugaan ini takkan mghalang kta untuk bersatu di alam pernikahan . sayang , im sorry for not b the perfect for u. but my love always wth YOU. ~  
sayang cinta buah hati me 

27 October 2011

~Rindu untuk menaip~ ^_^

its been quit a Long tym i didnt update my bLog.. rindu lah plak. this 2 weeks byk yg trjdi n nak story mory. hehehe.. last weekend i spent my tym at my family house.. guess wat? mkan ja kja. haha. (hOpe berat x naik.) fav .
choc nuts.
choki choki choc + milk

hahahha.. yummeh kann.. hmm nostalgia msa kcik2. ^_^ . .then new hobby. me n my sista try to make nsi lemak & sell at my office. sdap dan mndapat smbutan. Alhamdulilah :)

13 October 2011

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ F.R.I.E.N.D.S ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

 ♥ ♥Tgok tjuk smua tahu. KAWAN oh KAWAN . .SINCE sumone komen in my FB . "im not in ur lifes colour'' . so dtglah idea nk mulis entry ni . . honetly since my age 16 yrs old , i dont even know what is FRIENDSHIP means . I move to the new school and its make us be apart and forgot each other slowly . ( CRISTY, SITI NURAIN .DAPHANE, MARLA ) . . and i started b a LONELY GIRL. :(  Everything i do was alone . Guess what , i had only one. . Anis syazwani . till now , we still FRIEND ^_^ .Hmm  . . apa2 pun yg trjadi masa silam , im very Thankfull & a bit regrets . but its what we called LIFES ryte? but aim very thankfull. kawan yg hanya begelar KAWAN jd MY BESTFRIENDS eva . CHEE , BULAT ,and few yg dtg n pergi. .so not foreva . haha ♥ ♥

                                        ANIS SYAZWANI                                                                 
SHE is very demand and sweet girl . byk boyfriend . hehehe. but she can understand me well . . gdluck for ur study. CIKGU ANIS !!.

                    NASYITAH RABIHI a.k.a CHEE (nama GLAMOUR) :p
VERY difficult for me to desccribe her . sukar difahami (ingt me sorg ja ssh dfhami ) hehehe. very caring and sometyme careless. but CHEE seorg kwn yg baik. walaupun kuat berahsia. Skrg smua bz krja,. hope 1 day kta blh lepak sma2 again dr pagi smpai malam kan . hehe ♥ ♥

                         RAMLAN bin KADI a.k.a BULATTTTT :p
Seorg KAWAN dan ABANG for me . caring and help me a lot. budi baik bulat ant mmg xkan lupa smpai bila2. now Bulat dh bahagia, so ant doa bulat cpat2 nikah , ada baby comel mcm anty ant. wahahaha . . rindu nak merempit miri - bekenu !!

then i moved to JOHOR BAHRU . A nightmare for me. . ^_^ . but hdup msih dteruskan. i found a new girls . .   FEW of them  are BELLA , KAK BABY and  . . . .

TANG YIN WEI . .   (imysm) wlaupun hnya kwan ALAM MAYA ( online ) hehehe. but we do share a lot bout our feelings.i even called her in middle of nyte . . just to let her know my feelings . .same goes to her . .She hv tatoo (sgt cntik ) and she LOVEEEEEE same genre music wth my   . aku je xblh msuk tlinga. . hehe . but sorry to heard that her heart was broken by the guy she loved the most. Hopefully awak jmpe yg trbaik dunia dan akhirat nant! ui deserve sumone better sayang!! ♥ ♥  

12 October 2011

ESOK . .♥ ♥ ♥

 ♥ ♥  ♥   EVERYONE does hv mistake an . .p siapa kita sesama manusia nak menilai . .even people make mistake. we only can pray and  hope they will and can change . .Aku ada pada hari ini kerna adanya semalam  dan meneruskan hari ini untuk esok . . Sgala yg trjadi mmberi 1001 pngajaran. TUHAN itu adil. Jika kita YAKIN padanya . . Luka sememangnya  tak dpat dibaluti dgan kata2 . Nmun percayalah. Insan TERANIAYA , doanya lbih didgari .  Apa yg kita ada , kita miliki semalam mungkin kita telah khilangan nya.. nmun INSYAALLAH . . hari esok lbih baik dari kini .BERSYUKUR PADA NYA ^_^ ♥ ♥ 

11 October 2011


since my sista went back to KL. sunyi juak asa. xda pkei klaie n anok. wahahaha. tggal my kakak. now nya dh kja. so jrg ada sma d umah. masa2 ya lah sllu polah aku lonely kat rumah. how i wish we all will b tgether again 1 day :) tnpa perlu ada perpisahan . .INSYAALLAH.  ♥ ♥

hari hujan mendung sama seperti hati ini . . :(

   sayang oh sayang . . this morning everything was just fine . . hujan trun lebat . .tpksa stayback kat rumah . lmbat msuk opis . Then otw to opis, dugaan dtg scra tba2. Sakit hati dgan klakuan yg seakan2 x ambil peduli. huhh..~ nak mngeluh susah. nak mnyesal jauh sekali. hope its wouldnt b long . AMINN.  

♥ My hoby . masak memasak ^_^ ♥

  naaa . . smalam lapa sgt .  then buka aisbox tgOk apa yg ada. i fOund kObis,tOmatO n ayam . . yumyum ^_^
nak msak byk2 jenis tkut lambat. coz my LOVE dh lapo . hehe . so this is my dish for him. 3 kali tambah . yeay ^^ my sista pun mkan hbs. Alhamdulillah . . :) 

10 October 2011

how the story begin . .

      Im TAKEN . . yes I am . :)    
Awal2 mmg x pcya . Haty yg prnah terluka, terbuka pntu utk mnerima insan yg very d humble & baik hati ni. TALKATIVE & FRIENDLY.  ^_^ people owez said. Allah maha Adil.  Dia trunkan dugaan utk mnjadikan kta lbih tabah d msa depan. And yes . .semua yg trjadi byk mmbuktikan. ksabaran akn mndtgkan sribu satu kemanisan   . Awal pngenalan sbgai kwan yg diknalkan dr my bestfren (i think so) . Lepak sma2 for few times then makhluk apa yg make me bravely told him that i fall in  wth him . and he said he like me also . hahaha.^____^ sgt2 lucu kalau di ingatkan . btw, Thanks a million thanks to you syang  ♥ KHAIRUL ANNUAR HASSAN  .I fall for you every second of my lifes . 10th.04.11 we declare as a COUPLE  ^_^ malu2 meow2 .  hihihi .  maybe pgalaman byk mmberi kesan in ma lifes. i decided to engaged wth him. 2nd.09.11 kmi bertunang . . (walaupun byk dugaan . ) he keeps make me smile . Untill now. N hopefully forever. AMIN. . ♥ 

Dan spnjg majlis. im very THANKFULL to my sisters .  sgt bersyukur memiliki mereka in ma LIFES. . *hugs*  


  meet my FAV persons . .that i love the most . . :) 

This is KHAIRUL ANNUAR HASSAN @ BEE (mmg nma pggilan gtu ) Buah haty ksygan saia ^_^

my mum . .walaupun 12 thun x jmpa, i still love her sgt2 ! 

my sisters . . .my BESTFRIEND EVER . . 

brothers and father 

              ''SO THESE ARE ALL MY DIAMOND''            

♥♥ the owner ^_^ ♥♥


 this is me . Ain a.k.a ANT ^_^ . .ank ke-3 . i hv sisters n brothers . so all of us is 6 .  I  MUSIC , FASHION & TEDDY ! hehehe . .I do listen to ABBY DAWN a lot . i admire her style a lot ! & some simple music like O@G , (miss this band sgt2 ! :( ) , Hujan & some INDONESIAN band . . ( byk sgt2 . .hehe ) . .I juz a S.I.M.P.L.E girl wth EASY GO LUCKY attitude. Dan seorg KEKASIH yg SPORTING . ( yeke ? :P ) and im just happy being ME  !